One and a half moths at the job and Namjoo is loving every moment of it. Her modelling friends, the crews that helped her with the make up and fashion tips. But one person she wouldn't enjoy with, Chen. Even though he is her senior she always treat him like he's in a same level as her. She tries her best to ignore him but her friends would always push her to sit next to him, have lunch with him, everything. Both Chen and Namjoo hated those things that their friends do to them.
Today, Namjoo's got an exclusive job for herself; Being a model for the famous international brand, Christian Dior. A fashion house which was established way back in 1946, just after the Second World War had ended. A famous brand from the country of high end fashion, Paris. When she got the news from her boss, she thanked him and at her apartment, she literally shrieked, jumped everywhere. She called hewr parents about the good-no great news.
With a simple chic dress, leather back pack and black flats, she entered the studio which was packed. She literally can't see the front counter which was only a fews steps from the front door. Most of the people inside were outsiders. Aftere trying to push herself into the ocean of people. A hand pulled her out of it, it was Chen. She got surprised a bit.
"Can you even breathe in there?" Chen asked still pulling Namjoo's hand towards the make up room. She always hated sudden skinships just like this and she finally shooked off Chen's tight hand grab on her arm. They stopped at the hallway still with lots of people hurrying here and there.
"Well, can you at least say thank you?” Chen asked his voice bait raised up. Namjoo only kept silent.
“Why should I? You always raise your voice to me” Namjoo told Chen feeling no doubt that it was truly right and that’s what he just did towards her. Chen closed his eyes and tries to keep himself together and not to blow up in front of her. Namjoo who was about to finish her sentence, then was dragged by the make up crews straight to the make up room. Chen reached his hand out and ripping the empty room while hissing. The crews were just watching at him.
“Chen! What are you doing?” The boss walked down the stairs. Chen stood frozen and shooked his head he then walked away still cursing to Namjoo.
That’s it! She’s way over the boundaries!
The photoshoot begins in just minutes. Namjoo was both excited and nervous at the same time. She wants to cherish this precious moment and chance but on the other hand, she doesn’t want to ruin and disappoint the people who are working so hard for this, especially her boss. She walked up to the white fabric where she’s going to let out some poses. This time she isn’t alone, she’s going to do it with another man model, a stranger she suppose. His name was Akio Mamoru a well shaped man and he’s quite tall for a model. He has been a model for various famous brands like Hermes, Gucci and Giorgio Armani. He’s used to working with female models but on the other hand, Namjoo is still having a hard time with him. It’s going to be Namjoo’s first time experiencing modeling with a guy.
“Akio, I want you to sit on the chair and Namjoo, you’ll need to wrap your hands around Akio’s shoulder while this bag” And there’s Namjoo posing feeling quite awkward. Akio can feel that she’s trembling and he kept her calm and telling her that tons of girls would be have these awkward sessions. A few shots were taken and most people were impressed on how the result came out. The photographer kept on complimenting and tell them to just stay calm. The song was quite supportive too as it was : Ariana Grande’s newest single ‘Problem’.
Most of the Shutterbug’s crew were helping out in this exclusive photo shoot but the other’s were just serving the other customers who came in and out. The Head manager of the studio was there from the start and he was really impressed on how Namjoo showed her most in this photo shoot. Chen came in still reading on to the papers that needs to be handed to the head manager and gets it signed. Claps were heard from inside the photo studio before Chen gets in and he just ignored it. He looked for the head manager and handed out the papers and also a pen, but before handing it out, Chen awed at the scene. Yes, it’s a going to be the final shoot and Chen saw Akio standing side by side with Namjoo, well he kind of felt jealous. He showed his long face and the took the papers off of his boss. Eys of his kept watching at Namjoo while walking backwards.
“Okay! Let’s rap this up with a photo finish guys!” Without the photographer’s directions for the last pose Namjoo just leaned on to Akio’s shoulder but the crews who were watching wanted something a bit bizzare. With a flash, Akio carried Namjoo bridal style.
What the heck??
He positioned back his glasses and walked away silently. Well, he is jealous of Akio, of course.
Night strikes the busy city of Japan, Tokyo. Everyone was already finished with the exclusive photo shoot and the head branch of Gucci thanked everyone for working hard and he especially thanked Namjoo and Akio.
"I really like how you two were coordinating so well on the photo shoot" she complimented both of them and Namjoo can only show her smile shy and on the other side, Akio can show how proud he is and both of them bowed in pleasure. After thanking and bidding each other goodbyes, Akio and Namjoo went to the pantry together to get some warm coffee and well, they're already close enough.
"Really? Oh my" Namjoo laughed to Akio's confession when he did his last photoshoot for an animal rescue commercial. He had a photoshoot with a bunch of puppies which he wasn't used to, then one of them accidentally urinated on the floor.
"I know right .. Gah" He faked a harsh exhale. Namjoo added some sugar cubes to both cups before handing one to Akio. Chen heads to the pantry and bumps into Akio and Namjoo.
"Oh hey .." Chen curted a bow and the other only smiled. He snatched a cup and spoon for himself.
"Hey, I'm going to get dinner, you want to join?" Akio asked while his hand was busy placing his cup into the sink. Namjoo gulped her lump of coffee and to correct if Akio really said that.
"Oh? Really?" her eyes grew bigger and she's actually going to have dinner with a famous model here from Japan. Akio nodded and a smirk could be seen inte corners of his pale white skin. Namjoo showed a sincere smile but in her heart shes jumping like crazy.
Omo! Omo! He asked me for dinner!
Over hearing from the two, Chen stirred his coffee more slower and walked out with hard steps. He slammed the door closed. Namjoo shuts her eyes tight at it and Akio can only wonder what's wrong.
Before leaving, Namjoo went to her boss' office, Akio tailed behind. A knock was heard and a big figure showed up before them.
"S-sir, I'm going to go now and thank you for the great opportunity you gave me .." A straight 90° bow that Namjoo can only show to him. He patted her shoulder and he was lucky to have a great model as her. He also thanked to Akio for his presence and made the project went smoothly as planned.
"Lets go" Akio grabbed Namjoo's hand and wrapped his hands around her waist. Namjoo could only walk in an awkward way, as said, she's still not used to sudden skinship. Boss walked down and saw the two exiting and into Akio's car. He checked every room and found his favourite photographer.
"Ahh .. wasn't that great .." He pocketed gis hands inside his jacket pockets. Chen only shrugged as his hands were busy packing his camera inside its bag. Boss only walked around the spacious studio covered with white paint all over, big umbrella blitz and other precious electronics.
"It was a great opportunity that Namjoo ever accepted .." Hearing that 'specific' name, a long face was made by Chen. He slammed the door leaving his Boss insude the studio.
Why does it need to be her?
Closed his apartment door, he slid down his back against it. Fingers going through his black strands of hair.
"Wait. Why are you like this, Kim Jongdae?!" He shot up and grabbed his own hair. He always hated on how she always treated him, but there's something behind that. Even though he's her senior, he always cared about everyone in the studio.
Namjoo and Akio were spending their precious dinner together in a premium restaurant that Namjoo has never even stepped the inside of it. Shabu-shabu restaurant and theres rarely people visiting. They talked so much, starting from their childhood till, well at this point.
"Thanks .." Akio blurted out of nowhere. Namjoo's head shot up and raised her eyebrows.
"Hm?" She asked while chewing on her new grilled beef. Akio repeated his words and he grabbed Namjoo's hand.
"Thanks for being here, having dinner with me .." Akio clarifying his previous sentence. Namjoo replied with a shy smile as she's out of words. Speaking of thanks, Namjoo fished something out of nowhere; Chen's words.
"Well, can you at least say thank you?"
Thinking about it again makes Namjoo wonder. Have I gone too far? I'm even treating him like he's the same level as me or even lower. He helped me everytime I have trouble doing stuff that I can’t do .. Those worries were twirling inside Namjoo’s head several times. Everytime Akio asks something, she would just reply it with a simple nod, shake and shrug; nothing else. A spoonful of rice filled her mouth and her mind was not there, near her. Somewhere lost and searching for a point from Chen’s question.
“Well, he wanted an answer ..” She whispered to herself. Akio responded but Namjoo just shook her head and continues finessing her thin sliced meat.
After taking sometime to eat and made a few conversation, Akio driver his way to Namjoo’s apartment.
“Thanks for inviting me for dinner ..” Namjoo undos her seatbelt. Akio only smiled and before leaving he kissed Namjoos back hand which left her dumfounded. After bidding goodbyes, she ran to her apartment and locking it. It was 10.45 PM and its a good thing that the boss gave her a day off since she had a full day of photo shoot session. After doing all of her necessities, Namjoo jumped onto her bed and opens up instagram. See, only 10 likes at its best, but she didn’t even care about the likes. The recent likes were from her colleagues in Shutterbug. Brandon, Lee, Amaya, Fumiko and others. One name caught her attention; ‘ChensingMachine’. Opened up his profile and well it was obviously Chen the famous and professional photographer of Shutterbug. 390 posts, 5732 followers and following only 97 people. Well for some reason, Namjoo stalked his followings first, well most of them were professional photographers too and his colleagues. Next is his followers, she didn’t open it since, tch, 5732 followers and you’re checking it? That’s ridiculous. Last but not least, his posts.
She checked his recent postings and what you could actually see is his foot; his pale bare foot. Namjoo could only show her disgusted face towards the specific picture. Moving on, she opened the next one and saw his left eye. It was red and watery, he wrote on the description box saying :
"내 눈 말도 보인다 .. ~.~”
(Meaning : My eye looks ridiculous .. ~.~”)
Namjoo rolls her eyes while her finger tapped on the comments. Well, 1709 comments were already written. Some of them were fans of him saying :
'Oh my oppa! Get some sleep ><‘
‘You look tired oppa .. :(‘
‘Get well soon my oppa!’
“Oppa, oppa everywhere ..” She grumbled while scrolling the comments. Going back to his posts Namjoo then scrolled down and saw some pictures where he posted a photo of him when he was a baby. Namjoo awed at the photo and slapped her face for doing that.
"귀엽게 보지 말라? ㅋㅋㅋ”
(Meaning : Don’t I look cute? kkk)
Reading that makes Namjoo want to puke but seeing the picture makes her so melted; like how could you not resist. She continues stalking his posts and a familiar face was seen. Her eyes grew bigger. Oh, did I mention Chen posted three pictures when he was back in Ueno Park? and another three from the recent photo shoot?
“Oh god ..” She corrects herself that it was her. Chen took a photo of her when she was in Ueno park, exactly one and a half month ago. Both of her hands covered her wide opened mouth. First thing’s first, she’s still shocked. Second, he didn’t ask for permission to upload her picture. Third ..
“Oh my god .. the picture is so—“ She’s out of words and in fact she’s proud of Chen taking a picture of her and it was a candid. The background was just stunning and the moment when the by passers went blur it was just .. wow. Well that’s what Namjoo's feeling right now.
A week passed after the Gucci photoshoot that Namjoo was involved in. She was quite impressed after looking at the pictures that the boss showed to her. Her colleagues were just as proud as him too. Everybody complimented on her and Akio. She just thanked them and a shy smile was plastered onto her pale face. She noticed that everyone was congratulating her but one person was missing. She walked out to the counter and asked the lady if Chen is coming today but the reply was a simple no. That simple no made Namjoo frown a little.
Ring! Ring!
Namjoo turned around expecting the not so tall figure with his usual black long sleeve and his favorite black baseball varsity. Hanging off his shoulder is his camera bag and his sling bag, but no it wasn’t. Only a customer asking to the lady behind the counter.
Well even though there wasn’t any phot session that needs to be done, it’s a good thing that she helped some of her colleagues with editing, piling up photos, signing papers and decorating photo albums. She had fun for the entire day. It was raining and a good thing is that, she brought an umbrella with her, a gift from her mother. It was pink with white polkadot patterns all over it. The bad thing is that she was wearing short jeans and her foot was tickled by cold air that passing by. Only a varsity jacket that could keep her warm.
While waiting for the bus just like everybody else does, a black mini cooper car stopped in front and everybody got their eyes onto it. A guy in casual clothing’s came over and stood in front of Namjoo. She gasped and stepped back. She peeked looking at the face but before examining more, her arm was pulled and everyone else just watched the two running to the car.
“Ya! What are you doing?! Are you kidnapping me?!” Namjoo just ask with a high pitched voice and the guy just closed his ears. Namjoo started banging at the car window and pulled the locked door handle with force. People who are waiting outside just kept their eyes away and ignoring the sounds coming from the car.
“Hey! Hey! Watch where you’re banging! Besides why would I kidnap you?!” A familiar voice tickles both of Namjoo’s ears. She opened her eyes and her head shot up facing the guy’s face. It was Chen. Both of her hands flings around Chen’s neck as she made a tight hug making her able to choke him. Well obviously Chen was a little surprised well maybe not so much. Realizing the awkward moment, Chen cleared his throat and Namjoo just sat up still looking at the droplets on the car window.
“Aish. Why you seriously ..” Namjoo pretends to be cold again towards Chen like she usually does. Chen started the car engine while his eyes rolled.
Here we go again ..
Chen already asked where Namjoo which was close to where he lives too. Namjoo who has her hand on the handle and her eyes on the buildings she saw her apartment just passing by like that.
“Wait. You just passed it” She looks at Chen confused. He can only letted out a disturbing laugh and a mischiveous smirk which kind of disturbed Namjoo a little. Questions could just be asked by Namjoo and Chen just kept quiet and ignored it; Namjoo hated that. The rain lightens up and sunshine rays could be seen touring up through the grayish sky. Chen then stops his car and walked out not helping out on Namjoo. She felt disturbed somehow and how he treated her.
Oh, what a gentleman ..
Chen told Namjoo to just sit here and waits for him to comeback. Not long, he came with a tray with two cups of coffee and two dishes full of pastries fresh from the oven. A smile crept onto Namjoo;s face.
The boy with the real name Kim Jongdae was doing his laundry. He checked every pockets in every piece of his jeans, long sleeved shirts, tees and others. He has tons of clothes and he does his laundry once a week which always makes a huge pile in the corner of his room. This drains a lot of energy for him, especially hanging them to dry. Washing takes a small time and now the hanging time comes and he already hates it. Dragging the clothing line to the other end of the balcony and there he starts.
“That’s it right?” He clasped his hand together but before he turned his back, he noticed a pink and blue handkerchief under his tee. His hand quickly snatched it off the line.
“How come I still have this?” He shrugged while playing with it. Not having a shower after doing some work, he dropped himself onto his bed and just went with it still with his hand holding onto the handkerchief.
Months had passed and without themselves realizing, Chen and Namjoo were getting closer by the minute. They actually had lunch together, buying coffees together and those coldness from Namjoo has slowly melted away from her. She appreciates how Chen could spen some time with her and the same feeling as Chen. He enjoyed sharing jokes and laughters with her and already acts like she’s his best friend. A warm atmosphere now could be seen between those two.’
On a sunny Friday afternoon, Chen asked Namjoo to get some coffee with him at their usual place. She accepted it right away. It wasn’t that busy inside so they could able to get their orders in a flash. A nice warm latte for Chen and an Iced Cappuccino for Namjoo. They both got the same pastry which was croissants; a coffee’s best friend. As time runs out, they filled it with questions, jokes, laughters and even sudden pranks; which Chen would always do to his friend.
2NE1 - Lonely
Namjoo’s phone rang. It was her dad calling. She mouthed that this call was important and Chen just smiled. He took another sip of his coffee and to get rid of the boringness filling up the room, he snatched his phone and played a game or two. Well it drains a little as he checked on Namjoo who was outside, taking her phone call seriously. He hissed while his eyes were gazing the outside view which was only decided by a thin transparent glass.
10 minutes passed and Namjoo came back. The atmosphere became dull and silent. She had something in mind that she wanted to be kept by herself but it just disturbs her.
“Something wrong?” Chen leaned forward as he grabbed his cup of warm coffee. Namjoo only shook her head and fiddled with her fingers. She took out her phone and types random buttons. Chen kept silent as he just examine her from a distance. She couldn’t hold it much longer.
“Chen .. My mum’s sick ..” Namjoo finally spat out and it clearly made Chen choke. He asked whether it was a joke or not. Namjoo shook as it was a reality she’s facing.
“She went to the hospital without telling me and Dad just told me that she had—“ She stopped and looked up to make her tears disappear. Chen holds her hand to keep her calm.
“I need to go back to Seoul to take care of her ..”
That sudden sentence made Chen’s heart crack a little. It felt like a piece of his heart has fallen deep, lost inside himself. He bit his lower lip and his eyes brows furrowed. He then showed a small smile.
“Go after her then ..” He felt great outside showing how warm hearted he is but inside it was just tangled and horrible and you might get lost if you’re inside his mind now.
Namjoo hasn’t stepped on those well-polished white tile of Tokyo’s International airport for a while. Her fingers popping out as she was counting. March 2014 was the start on achieving her dreams and it’s already January 2015 .
Exactly 10 months ..
She peeked at the her watch’s hand ticking and the time showing; 3.15 PM. Letted go a long sigh, she enters the automatic sliding door into the world’s busy airport. After checking in, showing her passport and handing on her luggage she went to the center of the spacious and stood there among the crowd. Both of her hands held onto her white phone. She sometimes would tip toe and lift her head as high as she can. Judging by the looks, she’s waiting for someone. She bit her lower lip and her right foot started to tap a little.
“Whoa! Hey!” Someone caught her arm and dragged her back inside the airport building.
“Ya! What do you think you’re—“ Namjoo stopped her harassing and shuts herself up; It was Chen. Chen was used to her shouts and sudden harassment since she told him it was a bad habit of hers that she couldn’t get rid of.
“Oh, Hey ..” Namjoo smiled to him. He replied it back and asked if he can talk before her departure. A nice cafe inside the airport was chosen, they sat by the window and talked not as much as before. About 40% were awkward talking and the rest were just creepy silence. One by one they sip their coffee and munch on their treats. Chen stayed silent and only played with his phone, and Namjoo just sat still looking out at the busy airport. Hating the awkwardness between both of them, Namjoo then decided to leave even though her flight isn’t calling the passengers to get aboard.
“I’ll just go since my flight will be here in minutes ..” Namjoo lied to him. Chen’s eyes glittered as ‘No’s’ were written all over his face but he showed his charisma aura.
Why didn’t you do it?
Are you afraid?
That was your last chance!
Insides screaming, he fights his own wills. Heart says yes, mind says the other. Only he could choose before it’s too late and before making him regret. He pocketed his hand inside his jeans and found the pink polkadot handkerchief. He ran to find the lost Namjoo among the crowd.
“Jooya! Jooya!” Going through small gaps like invertebrates would do, he screams Namjoo’s nickname he made especially for her. Some people got angry at him but its not the time. He stopped to look at the television to see if the airplane she’s taking is already boarded or not.
Korean Air Tokyo — Seoul Boarding
“No, no, no!” Chen ran to the shown gatel and ran as fast as the wind. Tried dialing her phone but voice mail is the only response he could only get; Might be that she already turned her phone off.
“To all passengers of Korean Air Flight Number KR 575 destination to Seoul, please board the airplane through gate 3. Thank you.” Hearing that, Namjoo gulped down a big lump on her throat and walked out. She was still at a souvenir shop not forgetting to buy her little sisters gifts like she already promised. Pink clutch bag on her right and a medium-sized paper bag on the other, she then walked towards the gate. After showing her ticket and passport, she waited in line for the security checks. Security checks here are very very strict.
“Namjoo! Namjooya!” Chen shouted from the hallway but when he was about to breakthrough the the security entries, Namjoo wasn’t there. Eyes looking here and there and heavy pants can be heard. But all that running didn’t pay off.
“Jooya ..”
Holding onto the white calendar while resting his bed against the bed frame, Chen stared at the month in bold; March. He banged his head against it. It’s been a two month since Namjoo’s departure to Seoul. He usually was the happy kid that always sends happy viruses to every colleagues in his job but since Namjoo left, he felt gloomy and feels lonely. Although they spend they’re last weeks together before it just felt like film roll that was truncated and never continued. And the day he met her at the park, he thinks it was a very unpleasant coincidence to meet her but that was the moment where she was actually his lost soulmate.
But, could it be?
It was Chen’s week off because of spring break. The boss letted him relax for a while since he now knows what Chen’s feeling towards Namjoo. He walked to his usual coffee shop and ordered his favorite coffee and pastry. Sat by the couch and sipped his warm coffee, he always thinks coffee could really drain the worries and sadness away. While taking a bite of his croissant, his eyes spotted a teenage couple who sat by the big window where Chen and Namjoo would usually sit.
“Ya. ya. What are you doing?”
Chen was driving his car and gets Namjoo to tag along with him. Day by day he was getting close to her and so did she. Namjoo was applying some lotion onto Chen’s right hand who was hiding on to the steering wheel.
“It’s called a body lotion ..” Namjoo answered while he poured some to her palms. Chen rubbed it on both of his hands.
“Well? Do you like it?” Namjoo face got closer to his and expected something great coming out from those trolling mouth.
“It smells like cherry blossoms” He placed his hand underneath his nose. It was really hypnotizing him. Namjoo smiled at his reply.
“Duh it is. Look” It was the red light so Chen looked at the bottle.
“Shinzu’i?” He continued his drive and Namjoo was like fan grilling over her very best body lotion so far. She was looking for these like ages and how the motto says on the bottle; “White is Shinzu’i”. It was a motto that could drag girls who dreams to have white glowwy skin.
“I love this product! Their like my favorite!” Chen nodded as he can’t lie about the great scent he has on his arm right now and he can’t take the scent off of his nose.
They arrived at their favorite coffee shop. As usual they order, sit, drink, munch and of course laugh their heads off. It was the only get away that could drain their stresses away. Namjoo always picks her favorite seat which was by the big window so she could see Ueno park which was right across. She could just use up all her free time just to enjoy the great view of the park.
“I wish I could just stop the time and admire this moment ..” Namjoo blurted out a random sentence. Chen only laughed at her.
“Like sure, you can stop the time ..” As Chen laughed, Namjoo throws tissue balls at him.
“Ya. Ya. Stop it.” A kid throwed a tissue ball at him which made him realize that he spent one and a half hour at the coffee shop.
Chen went across the road with the group of people and he stopped right in front of the entrance gate. ‘Ueno Park’. Yep, his favorite place to visit and also Namjoo’s. walked along the path as he cold see falling cherry blossoms around him. He stopped his movements as he remembers the exact spot where he took photo of Namjoo who was under the tree. He took his phone and quickly grab a cherry blossom and placed it on his palms.
His thumbs going through random alphabets in a fast motion.
"私にできることすべては、私のメモリボックスで保存されている .. #sakura #uenopark #spring”
(Meaning : All I can do is just saving it in my memory box ..)
He uploads it to his personal Instagram account as he then stalked onto Namjoo’s account which was ‘JooJooyaa’. He tapped on her recent photo which was 1 hour ago. She hasn’t posted any pictures since she left Japan. In Shutterbug, she was the most active user among the other colleagues.
"난 그냥 시간을 되돌릴 수 있다면 .. #timemachine #rewind #back”
(Meaning : If I could just turn back time ..)
A picture of her finger who pretends to grab a hanging clock from afar. He double tapped it and continues his walk. Footsteps stopped as he remembers when she accidentally bumped onto him and spilled his ice cone. Remembering that moment made him slightly laughed. Settling and enjoying the view, he sat down on a bench as his hand slowly took a handkerchief from his jacket pocket. His eyes were admiring it. fingers could only do nothing but to hold it gently trying hard not to make a slight crumple on it.
“Gah .. I can’t take it!” He shouted at the empty sky; Good thing the park’s quite empty. when he was about to shoot up someone sat across the bench. He ignored her and when Chen was about to leave, a greeting was heard.
“Hey .. I think you already forgot about me ..” Chen stopped all of his actions. He recognizes the voice. That sweet voice that fills his ears like a song melody. He turned around just to make sure it was the person he has lost before. He slowly walked closer and closer as his hand reached to her rosy cheeks.
“Is it really—“ Before he could finish, Namjoo nodded and smile to him.
“Well, I told Eomma everything about you and she told me to go after you ..” She showed a shy smile. Both of the person’s eyes were already filled with tears of joy, especially Namjoo. Chen then took her lost handkerchief and wiped it all out.
“Remember when you spilled the ice cone?” Namjoo finally laughed remembering that.
“Chen?” She finally breaks the ice. He stopped and stood in front of her.
“I just wanted to say thank you, for everything ..” Chen finally hears the magic word. His smile came back and so the happiness in his eyes and heart. It feels like his heart is already mended back.
“You finally said it” Chen nudged his hand to play around with her.
“Ya. It needs process you know ..” She ended it with sticking out her tongue out which made Chen nudge her back but this time harder.
They walked out their favorite park hand in hand while walking under the cherry blossom. It was a moment they could never forget and the moment that they always cherish together.

Hey Guys~
So I finally updated after a busy week a busy week and of course my birthday party~ Whoop Whoop~
Anyways~ This is the second chapter and also the last chapter .. T.T
I don't know if this really needs a sequel cos' I literally made a happy ending, as you can see.
But! I'm gonna update my other fan fic 'To Where the Birds Fly' and also a new fanfic~~ Hohoho .. :3
Please look forward to it~
Well that's for the author note and hope you guys like this fan fic, click that LOVE button if this fan fic really deserve one, share to facebook, tweet it and spam me with comments down below~
As always ..
/Throws virtual hugs and kisses/