Portal Berita - Radio Streaming - Komunitas Anak Muda
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Fan Fiction
First Love
Posted by KaptenJe | Senin,23 Juni 2014 at 22:59
Lee Hyunjee (OC), Kris (EXO), Kim Myungsoo / L (Infinite), Hyerim (OC)
First Love

CHAPTER 2 : The First Guy

Chapter 2

2. The First Guy

 She realized that his hand wrapped around her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground. She quickly took a step backwards and looked up at who she bumped into. 

A tall cool looking guy was in her sight. Judging by his look, he was older than her, but she was sure that he's a new student just like her. She then quickly bowed, "Mianhae, oppa," She said. 

"It's okay." He said curving his lips into a smile

'A meeting just like in the movies..? Plus he's the first person I met!' she thought still looking at him in a blank.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, looking a bit confused as she snapped out from her little world.

She shook her head, "Uh.. Nothing." she gave him a cute innocent little smile.

Suddenly there came two guys approached him by patting his shoulder and jumped onto him as he almost fell, "Ay man!" the first guy said.

The other person continued talking with them as they slowly dragged him away from her to get inside the school, but she caught him still looking at her with his cute smile as she smiled back and waved her hand a little.

'I didn't even get to know his name' she thought while walking towards the school entrance feeling a little sad.


As she got inside, a large hall was in her way and she also saw someone standing by herself who was leaning against the wall, 'this is my first chance to make friends. Remember! First impression is important' she thought to herself as she walked towards her.

"Annyeonghaseyo.. You must be new here?" She started the conversation

"Uh yes.. You must be new too, right?" She asked back.

"Yes I am!" 

"Oh finally! I got here way too early.. And I haven't seen anyone around, just you." she smiled in a relief.

"Yeah me too.. Oh anyway, I'm Hyunjee! Nice to meet you," she gave her a cute smile as she bowed a little.

"Oh yeah! I'm Woori, Nam Woori! Nice to meet you too! I hope we can be friends," she bowed and smiled back.

They continued chatting as freshmen began filling the hall. Suddenly they heard an announcement, a loud manly voice could be heard through the speakers, "Attention for all new students! Please gather up in the field! Go straight ahead down the hallway and you'll find a sign that will lead you here. Thank you." 

'Wait... That voice? Sounds familiar.. I think I have heard it before..' She wondered as they walked down the hallway.


"Ah here it is!" Woori pointed to the field on her left, "Wow... The field is actually bigger than I thought!" She continued jaw dropped.

"Yeah me too.." Hyunjee said while scanning the field to find the person who just announced the announcement. She finally found him. Her eyes widened, 'Wait.... Is he the one who announced that?' She froze, 'I couldn't be wrong, he was the one who's holding the mic. It must be him. But wait.. He's a senior?!' She thought. 

He was the one who she accidentally bumped into this morning. No wonder why he looked older than her. 

She hasn't moved in a bit, "Hey, what's wrong?" Woori asked, waving her hand in front of Hyunjee’s blank-looking face.

"Uh?" She tilted her head to face Woori, "No.. Nothing.. Anyway, let’s gather up, there!" She pointed to a lined up students.

They both rushed there as everyone were filling the field with their new friends and were getting to know each other. Hyunjee was in front of Woori but she wasn't really in the front line. She tip toed to see her senior up on the stage, 'Really? He's a senior?' She thought, still couldn't believe that the first person she met was a senior. 

It started to get a little noisy there until, "Attention attention!" Said the senior getting all the attention. He cleared his throat and began to greet them, "Good morning, all! As always, in every school, in the freshman year we are having an orientation session before you all start to study here. Before we get started with all the rules, I want to introduce us, the student council, one by one." He said looking to his friends as if he was asking for an approval as the rest of the student council were only nodding.

He immediately returned his gaze to the lined up student, "Okay, I am Kris, the leader of the student council," he said with full of confidence which still looked cool.

'The leader? Could this get any worse?! But I got his name, at least' she thought with a single sigh leaving her lips.

"And this is Hyerim, she is the vice," he continued as he introduced the rest of them which consist of: Xiumin, Luhan, Sehun, Chen, Tao, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Kai, Junghee, and Jiyeon.

After he mentioned all the names, they all bowed in sync as all the freshmen gave them some big round of applause. And then Kris, the leader, continued to give them the explanation and rules for the orientation session. He told them to obey the seniors and being polite towards the seniors and the teachers. If they disobey the rules and being impolite towards them, they will have to get through the punishment. The orientation session will only last for 3 days counting from today. 

As he finished telling them about the rules and some other stuffs, he told them to check their class' division on the bulletin board which located down the hallway. He immediately dismissed them as the freshmen were all rushing to get to the hallway. 

Hallway was in crowd, Hyunjee and Woori decided to get there a little late so they won't ended up sank in the middle of the crowd. 5 minutes later, they saw the crowd began to lessen, well at least they won't be getting eaten by the crowd if they slipped within them, so they decided to walk towards the bulletin board, although they both still tip toed to see those.

There were about 120 new students which divided into 5 classes, class: A, B, C, D, E, so each class consist of 24 students.

Hyunjee hasn't found her name on the list while Woori was jumping around happily like an idiot. "Why are you jumping around?" Hyunjee asked her new friend who soon will be her best friend.

"We're on the same class!!" Woori answered excitedly while stabbing the air with her fists.

Hyunjee gasped in a happy shock, "What?! Really?! Where? Where?" She asked back excitedly.

Woori quickly pointed to the class D list and drawing a vertical line with her finger until she finally found it, "Here!" She shouted

It was written " 13. LEE HYUNJEE   /F " on the paper. (The "F" was to indicate the gender– female)

"Oh my god! Yayy!!" They were hugging each other in a complete excitement.


As soon as they both got inside the class, they quickly picked a seat next to each other’s in a relief. They thought that all the paired seats were already occupied because they were a bit late.

Soon as the last student came in, two seniors– which was Kai and Hyerim (the vice) – came inside and greeted the class, "annyeonghaseyo," the two of them said and also bowed in sync.

Soon as they both straighten up, Kai spoke up, "So, class D, as you know, I am Kai, and this chick over here is Hyerim, the vice, will be the class D's mentor during this orientation session,"

"And we're sorry but you guys can't pick your seats randomly yet," she said as the class was filled by the "nawww" sounds with a disappointed tone.

"Instead of picking by your own, we're the one who are going to arrange your seats randomly," she continued as the class were still filled by groans and frowns.

"We're sorry, but rules are rules! If you guys won't follow the rules, you'll get the punishment!" She said half threatening as the class silence quickly filled the class.

"That's more like it," Hyerim muttered under her sigh.

"Okay! So you guys, pack your things up and get in front of here," Kai pointed to the front side of the class, "And then, I'm going to call your names one by one, randomly, and you have to fill your new seat starting from there." He changed his pointing direction to the left back corner table as students began to fill the front part of the class waiting for the seniors to call out their names.

Kai started calling out random names from the list as they were filling the seats until there was only about 8 students left, including Hyunjee.

"Nam Woori!" Kai shouted as she gasped a little and quickly sat there with her eyes locked with Hyunjee's.

'Oh I hope I'm next!' Hyunjee hoped.

"Sungjong!" He continued as the person sat next to Woori.

'Oh no.....' Hyunjee thought as Woori frowned at her.



'Ah it's finally me!' She thought as she finally sat beside her new seatmate.

She adjusted her seat so it would fit her slim body which made a little creaking sound and got Myungsoo's attention. He immediately greeted her, "Annyeonghasseyo, I'm Myu-" he stopped just when their eyes met, "Hyunjee? Lee Hyunjee, right?!" He asked as if he had known her before.

She was in shock, "U-uh? Yes.. How’d you know?" She asked, lifting an eyebrow.

'Who is this guy?' She wondered.

Posted Rabu,16 Juni 2021 at 09:31
Posted Senin,20 April 2020 at 22:58
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 23:42
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:08
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:07
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:07
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:06
Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:06