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Fan Fiction
The Wedding Host
Posted by KaptenJe | Senin,28 November 2016 at 19:19
Bomi, Luhan and Chorong
The Wedding Host

CHAPTER 1 : The Wedding Host


The lass takes a deep breath, as she examines herself in the mirror.


Her face glows of pale peach, free of flaws. The pink blush emphasizes the apple of her cheeks, adding a hint of rosiness to her fair face. Her lips glowed beneath the dresser light, although the constant licking of her cherry lipstick did make it seem a bit uneven. Her newly dyed raven black hair was curled and let loose - cascading down her shoulders as an endless waterfall. She makes a mental reminder to save her stylist’s number before the party’s over.


She reapplies her lipstick, not forgetting to smack twice. The nervous jitters were slowly getting to her, she realizes. She takes deeps breaths, trying to even out her palpitating heartbeat. A knock then could be heard outside the door, and she shouts for the person to come in.


She feels her heart skip a beat when she sees him passing through the door. His black tuxedo made a perfect fit to his lean torso, and the lean black tie around his neck made him look even more ravishing. He had his dirty blonde hair styled up, just the way she would like it. His eyes beamed of nervousness, yet he could not hide the flash of excitement in his face.


“Hey Bombom,” he smiles.


She smiles back, and places her lipstick back to the makeup bag.


“Hi Luhan.”


He walks towards her, placing his gloved hands on her bare shoulders, giving it a slight squeeze.


“You look beautiful today,” he compliments. She then tosses a few strands of her hair to her back, beaming proudly.


“I always look beautiful.”


He snorts at her remark, letting go of her shoulders. They both chuckled, both knowing that her arrogant remark was to help lighten their anxiety. The woman steals a glance at the man, and could not help but think he was absolutely breathtaking – she was really lucky.


“You look handsome, too, Lu.”


The smile on his face widens, as he cautiously ruffles her hair.


“Thanks Bomi.”


Another knock could be heard across the door, and another man’s head pops into the room.


“Hyung, the guests are waiting,” he says, flatly. Luhan nods to the tanned boy, and he brushes off the invincible dirt from his tuxedo pants. The young boy then faces Bomi, his face perking up.


“You look stunning, noona.”


She only grins in return, while Luhan rolls his eyes.


“Stop flirting, Jongin, or I’m telling Soojung on you.”


He almost instantly closes the door, scowling at the older male. They both chuckled, and Luhan proceeds on to the door.


“I’ll see you later,” he says, his face gleaming.


She nods back.


“See you later, Luhan.”



Bomi nervously steps unto the stage, revising her lines silently to herself as she finally reaches the microphone. The guests were in awe of the new beauty, as the lass effortlessly makes anyone believe that Snow White really does exist. She tries showing her best smile, although she was quivering inside. The crowd applauds her, before hushing into silence. She gulps, her hands trembled as she opens her palm notes.


“Uhm, hello everyone. I’m Yoon Bomi with my um – speech, today.”


Her voice squeaks at the end, earning giggles from the whole room. Her cheeks flush, but she gains confidence as she saw Luhan silently encouraging her to go on. She nods slowly, and takes a deep breath. “To start off, I’d like to first talk about the groom, Luhan.”


A series of curious gazes met her, as well as one from the groom himself. She smiles, as she continues her speech.


“My first impression of him was that he was smart.” She could see him nodding his head, a proud smile decorating his face. Bomi smirks, as she continues –  “But he was awfully clumsy.”


Everyone in the room laughed, especially Sehun who shouted a loud “yes!” across the room, making Luhan embarrassed.


As everyone in the room roared with laughter, Bomi fondly remembers of her first time meeting the doe-eyed boy.


“Class, please be quiet!”


Everyone instantly gets back to their seats, afraid of upsetting Mr. Kim on their first day. Satisfied that he has their attention, he then invites a student to come inside. The class becomes filled with hushed whispers, as they were curious of the new student, including Bomi. The student then steps in, and she could hear squeals erupting from the female student – which could only mean one thing – the new student was definitely a good-looking male. Bomi slightly stands up from her seat, curious to the new face, and she was happy she did.


The boy had a beautiful milky complexion, his nose tall, and his smile youthful and charming. But she especially admired his eyes – they were of dark brown, and had a certain spark to it. An intelligent spark, she learned, once the teacher announced that he was enrolled with a full scholarship. He had hair as black as ebony, which shined under the sunlight basking in from the windows.


“I’m Luhan,” he smiles.


Bomi never thought a smile could be so bright.


The teacher then asks him to take a vacant seat, welcoming him warmly. He fixes the strap of his backpack and walks to his seat.


Just as Bomi was about to welcome the new boy, he accidentally steps on his shoelace, and falls face first to the floor. The students erupt to fits of laughter, making him blush even more.


An outstretched hand then faces him, offering him help. He then looks up, facing a smiling girl.


“C’mon, I’ll help you up.”


He smiles, and takes her hand.


Bomi could not help but admire those shimmering eyes.




The laughter dies down, and Bomi could feel her confidence slowly building. She reads down again from her palm notes, before continuing her speech. “But that’s not the worst part. He also nags, he nags really bad, almost worst than my mother’s.” Everyone in the room was clearly amused by her speech, except for the said boy himself. “But, that’s just because he cares a lot.” He regains his smile, his smile infecting her to smile as well.


Bomi fans herself as she waits for the green man across the street to light up. She was feeling so dehydrated, and she needed a drink – desperately. She eyes to her left and right, seeing no vehicle on the road. She then dashes across the street, hurrying to get to the vending machine. Bomi freezes when she hears a motorcycle dashing at lightning speed, directly at her direction. She closes her eyes, as she was getting ready for the impact. But she only feels a slight push from her right, as she safely lands to the sidewalk. Her vision then blurs, as she only sees blonde hair before everything turns black.





She hears a gasp, as she tries to get used to the blinding lights. She instantly recognizes the blonde hair, as she finally snaps back to her consciousness. “Thank God, you’re okay.” He sighs, as he leans back to his chair. His face then instantly contorts to of anger, as he starts his rant.


“What were you thinking? You could’ve got yourself killed. You were so lucky –“


Bomi smiles as he continues nagging, knowing that he’s more thankful than mad.




“Luhan also has a strange fetish for body lotions.” The said boy gives out a sheepish grin, rubbing his neck meekly.


They were on a school trip to Japan, she recalls. It was Bomi’s first time in the land of the rising sun, and she could not wait to explore. She awes at the bustling city life, and how everything seems cuter than back in Korea. She sighs dreamily; mentally listing the things she would like to visit and do.


A knock then comes to the door, and Bomi hurriedly opens the door – smiling at the lad opposite the door. She ushers him in, and plops herself in the bed.


“Say, we have some free time. Do you want to walk around?”


She nods, excited to finally go and look around.


They then went out the door, when he suddenly asks.


“By the way, what is this smell?”


Bomi tilts her head in confusion, before finally remembering the Shinzui body lotion , body scrub , and body cleanser she recently bought from a local store.


“It’s my lotion, why?”


He smiles at her, as he ruffles her hair playfully.


“You smell nice, keep using it.”


Bomi was thankful he looked away, not noticing the blush rising to her cheeks.  




“But even with his strange habits, he is still a very nice man.” She looks directly at him, her eyes softening at the sight of the Chinese man.




“And that’s why he perfectly fits with Chorong.”



An outstretched hand then faces him, offering him help. He then looks up, facing a smiling girl.


“C’mon, I’ll help you up.”


He smiles, and takes her hand.


“I’m Chorong.”


He smiles, as he steadies himself up.


“I’m Luhan.”


Bomi could not help but admire those shimmering eyes (especially of Chorong’s).




Bomi freezes when she hears a motorcycle dashing at lightning speed, directly at her direction. She closes her eyes, as she was getting ready for the impact. But she only feels a slight push from her right, as she safely lands to the sidewalk. Her vision then blurs, as she only sees blonde hair before everything turns black. (And all she hears are shouts of “Chorong! Chorong!”)





She hears a gasp, as she tries to get used to the blinding lights. She instantly recognizes the blonde hair, as she finally snaps back to her consciousness. “Thank God, you’re okay.” He sighs, as he leans back to his chair. His face then instantly contorts to of anger, as he starts his rant.


“What were you thinking? You could’ve got yourself killed. You were so lucky Chorong was there to save you –“




Her eyes shot wider, as she suddenly takes notice of the sleeping girl in the other bed.


“Chorong!” she gasps, trying to get off her bed. She feels her head throbbing, as she collapses back to her bed.


“Don’t stress yourself out, Bombom. You still need rest.” His eyes softened, as he helps her lay down back to bed. She nods weakly, as she mouths a soft “thank you” to the lad.


A soft groan then escapes the other girl’s lips, as the bed slightly creaks.




Luhan promptly goes to her side, helping her sit up.


“Where am I?” she asks, looking around.


“You’re at the hospital. You were nearly hit by a motorcycle – “


“Bomi! Where’s Bomi? Is she okay?”


The said girl chuckles, as she waves her hand at Chorong.


“I’m okay, don’t worry.” She gives her a shy smile, looking down.


“And, thank you.”


Chorong sighs in relief, as she returns her smile.


“No problem.”


The boy then scoffs in between, facing Chorong with a scowl.


“No problem? You could have almost got yourself killed – “


Bomi smiles as he continues nagging, knowing that he’s more thankful than mad (and rather grateful that Chorong has someone to take care of her).




A knock then comes to the door, and Bomi hurriedly opens the door – smiling at the lad opposite the door. She ushers him in, and plops herself in the bed.


“Say, we have some free time. Do you want to walk around?”


Bomi opens her mouth to respond, but Chorong beats her to it.




She nods instead, excited to finally go and look around.


Luhan’s face brightens, which did not go unnoticed by Bomi.


They then went out the door, when he suddenly asks.


“By the way, what is this smell?”


Bomi tilts her head in confusion, before finally remembering the Shinzui body lotion , body scrub , and body cleanser she recently bought from a local store.


“It’s my lotion,” Chorong answers.


She then throws her arm over Bomi’s shoulders, pulling her close, her face beaming.


“It’s ours, actually. Why?”


He smiles at her, as he ruffles her hair playfully.


“You smell nice, keep using it.”


Bomi was thankful he looked away, not noticing the blush rising to her cheeks (because she liked how Chorong says “ours”). 


The wedded couple smiles at each other, as both their faces radiated with pure bliss and happiness. She smiles bitter sweetly, as she folds the paper in her hands.


“Chorong and Luhan are like a match made in heaven.” (Bomi feels funny hearing it spill from her mouth, when she fantasizes about how perfect she and Chorong would be together.)


“I bet a lot of us are envious about these two (herself included). ”


“I hope you two make beautiful babies.” They blush at her statement, as Chorong hides her face in Luhan’s embrace. Bomi smiles widely, her teeth showing.


“And I wish you nothing, but happiness.”


(and Bomi sincerely means it.)



Bomi takes a sip of the punch, tired from dancing through the night. She places back the empty glass on the table, brushing the free strands of hair behind her ear.


“That was a beautiful speech you did there.”


She faces to her right, unfamiliar to the deep voice.


Bomi first notices his big, perky ears. He had his dark russet hair slicked back, adding a rather masculine feel to him. He was unbelievably tall, she realizes as he approaches her. He had his tie loosened, and his dress shirt tucked out.


“Thank you,” she says, smiling at the slightest.


He smiles back, his smile boyish and amiable (and rather cute, she might add). They both then faced their attention back to the dance floor, where several couples were swaying to the music.


“Care to dance?” He outstretched his hand to her, the playful smile never leaving his face.


Bomi chuckled - his smile was contagious. “I’d like to know the name of my partner first, if I may.” His grin widened, as he made an extravagant bow.



“Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol.”



A smile plays in both their faces, as places her hand with his.


And somehow she could not help but feel her hands perfectly fit into his.

Posted Rabu,16 Juni 2021 at 09:31
Posted Senin,20 April 2020 at 22:58
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Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:08
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Posted Sabtu,20 Juli 2019 at 13:06