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Fan Fiction
How I Met You
Posted by KaptenJe | Jumat,11 Juli 2014 at 12:39
lee sungyeol
How I Met You

CHAPTER 2 : Prank And Friendship

A/N : The reason that I made a story in English not because my English is perfect but instead I want to improve my English skill through the story. Critic and comment are welcom. Gamshahamnida ^__^




"Today the media plays up all cases and they and the public pass their verdict even before the court do. In all this real victims are often forgotten which in this case is Mr. and Mrs. Park's now orphaned child, Park Myungchan. Any punishment given to Mr. Lee Sungyeol, will be no help to this child. To safeguard his interest, this court purposes to deliver an unprecedented judgement. Mr. Lee Sungyeol, this court orders that from this day onwards till Park Myungchan is 18 years of age, this child will stay in your house. You will personally take complete care of him. You shouldn't send him to a boarding school, nor will you go out of town without him. I will check on him after three months, and if I find any violation or that Park Myungchan is ill-treated or unhappy with you, I shall sentence you to 20 years imprisonment without ball. This court appoints you his legal guardian, and hands him over to you. This court is adjourned for the day."



"Haaaachu..." Sungyeol sneezed loudly as he turned to lie on his left side. Raising his right arm he turned off the annoying beeping object with a smash.

"Ugh.." Sungyeol huffed and slowly opened his eyes as he laid there in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was not sad or lonely as he looked up at the plastered ceiling. "Haachuu.." he sneezed again.

It had been three months since the judge decided for him. And it also means that the judge Lee Tae Young will check on him and Myungchan. Life was good except for one thing. But happy or not, he has to face it. If everything was okay, he could still keep on his track to take over the company in Los Angeles. And today, all that he need is go to meet the judge and tell him that everything was going well with Myungchan then going to LA.

"Haaacchuu... Damn, what happen to me?" Sungyeol sat up and looks around. He never sneeze that hard if there's nothing make him allergic. He ran his eyes around the room trying to find the thing that make him allergic coz he only allergic to a thing. There's no sign that thing was nearby him, until he felt something soft move under his blanket.

"Oh my, LEE MYUNGCHAAAANNN!!!" Sungyeol's loud voice was echoed in the entire house, making Sunggyu came in abruptly followed by an innocent face Myungchan.

"Hey, what happen, Yeol? Why are you yelling at this early morning?" Sunggyu asked as he came in.

"Just ask your little precious prince, Hyung. Haaachu.." Sungyeol said annoyingly as he sneezed again.

"What happen, daddy? What did I do?" Myungchan asked with his puppy eyes.

"What did you do? Ya, don't tell me that this is a part of your pranks, Myungchan. Haaachu." Sungyeol said as he flipped his cover only to reveal a cute hamster on his bed.

"Aw, Taro, there you are. I have been looking for you." Myungchan said brightly as he walked towards Sungyeol's king size bed.

"Haaachu... You, put that hamster back in its cage. Haachu.." Sungyeol warned him.

"Daddy, it just a hamster. What are you afraid of?" Myungchan said as he put the hamster in front Sungyeol's face.

"Hey, keep that thing away from me. I hate that. The only hamster that I don't hate is Gyu Hyung. Haaachu."

His statement made Sunggyu gave him a very dead glare.

"Sorry, Hyung." Sungyeol apologized.

"Myungchan-ah, daddy is not afraid of it. He was allergic to hamster. So you better put it back to its cage." Sunggyu said as he crooked smile to Myungchan. Myungchan turned his gaze to Sunggyu as he tilted his head to the side. "What's allergic means, Gyu-gyu ajhussi?"

Sunggyu silent for a while trying to find the simplest word to describe allergic.

"Allergic means you will sneeze and sick if you near that thing." Sunggyu explained.

"So that's why daddy was sneezing all the time?" Myungchan asked again. Sunggyu nods as an asnwer.

"Ya, stop the fussiness, just get that thing away NOW. Haaa....chu."

"Okay, okay. Don't be afraid daddy. I will protect you from this hamster." Myungchan said with a very serious face as he patted Sungyeol's shoulder then walk away from Sungyeol's room followed by Sunggyu who was chuckling silently.

“Ah, Sungyeol-ah, I forgot to tell you that Nabin is waiting for you in the library.”

"Why you didn't just let her in, Hyung?"

Sunggyu narrowed his eyes. "Lee Sungyeol-ssi, there's a kid in this house. I wouldn't let her come in and seduce you then you two do something that you shouldn't, at least not in this house. Furthermore, I have a bad feeling about Nabin. She just doesn't match you. Sorry Yeol, I might not say something that was not my business. But I have to coz for me, you're my brother." Sunggyu said then walked out the room.
Sungyeol sat on his bed without words. About Nabin, he didn't know what to say. He even didn't know how his feeling about her. He did love her coz Nabin always there for him but deep in his heart, there's someone that couldn't be replace.

When he was busy with his own thought and get ready, in the other side, his little trouble maker was busy with his own project, to make his father break off the engagement.

"Time to play!" Myungchan whispered to himself, while giggling madly.

“Hi, Nabin aunty. Good morning.” Myungchan greeted politely. Nabin narrowed his eyes but fake a smile. “Ow, morning, Myungchan. Where’s your daddy?”

“Um, getiing prepare to see you. Just wait a moment.” Myungchan smiled innocently.

Nabin watched Myungchan as he sit on the leather couch nearby her. The smile still linger on his face.

‘What a weird child.’ Nabin thoughts as she looking at Myungchan

Uncaringly with him, Nabin was turned her eyes back on her Ipad. That meant that Nabin didn't see Myungchan take a small green lizard out of his pants pocket.

Still busy with her Ipad, she didn't notice Myungchan as he stood up on tiptoe behind her, gingerly pulling back her shirt with one hand and lifting his green lizard in the other. Nabin remained oblivious right up until her shirt had been let go and that green lizard had been put down it.

By the time Nabin felt something crawling down her back and she had bolted upright, Myunchan had nowhere to be found.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaa!" screamed Nabin as she started to shake furiously, trying to get at whatever was on her.

“What happen, Nabin? Why are you screaming like that?”

Nabin immediately stopped wriggling once a tall man closely stepped in. But it was hard to do so, seeing as how whatever was on her was making its way down her back.

Sungyeol walked towards her with puzzle look. “What happen to you?”

“There… There’s…” Nabin stuttered as she keep moving up and down.

Sungyeol obviously recognized Nabin’s expression. At the same time, the creature on Nabin's body burrowed its way into her pants. "Any trouble?" Sungyeol asked pointedly.

"There’s something on my back." Nabin resisted the urge to shake or smack her bottom as the thing slowly made its way across her right butt cheek.

In the other side, Myungchan was giggling happily at the scene before him.

When Sungyeol was about to see on her back, Nabin suddenly threw herself to the floor, shaking her body like mad in order to get out whatever was in her clothes. After what seemed like minutes, the creature emerged from Nabin's right pants leg and she turned her head in time to spot a little green lizard scurrying away into the awaiting hands of Myungchan, who gave Nabin a grin, mock-salute then walked in innocently.

“Um, daddy, I have go to school now, see you. Bye, Nabin aunty.” Myungchan said as he waved to both of them.




Happy Together Kindergarten 

Bomi had been working nonstop to get her classroom ready before the little students come. She wanted everything to be perfect for them. She spent her  time last night by laminating envelopes so that parents would have something to take their student's work home in. Then, she decorated her classroom, best she could. She filled the class with pink and blue. She pulled out some colorful papers from her briefcase and put it one by one on her student's table. She also prepared the colorful pencil and put them beside the paper. Bomi smiled in satisfy after everything is set down. The bell's ring interuppted her, signing her  to get ready to welcome her students. By the time, the student filled the class with their parents. Bomi greeted them one by one. Bomi had told them that today they would start the class without their parents babysit on them like yesterday. And looks like the students already get used to it. Furthermore, they are starting to like Bomi. Maybe because of Bomi's cheerfulness. Or maybe because she was a choding so she would easily blend with the children. But this is not affected the little Myungchan. He still with his attitude. He walked into the class uninterestedly, followed by the cute hamster man, holding his backpack behind him. Bomi who was tidying Minah's shoes glances over to the door and stand up.

"Morning, Kim Sunggyu-ssi. Morning Myungchannie. Get ready for the class?" Bomi smiled widely.

Myungchan looked at her for a while then walks pass by her without answers her greet.

"Ya, Myungchan-ah. Mind your manner, young man. I'm so sorry, Bomi seongsangnim. Please take care of uri Myungchan." Sunggyu bowed slightly.

"It's okay, Sunggyu-ssi. Um, just call me Bomi. Honorific makes me feel awkward." Bomi laughed.

"Okay, since you look younger than me, just call me Gyu Oppa."

"Okay Oppa. And don't worry about Myungchan. I'll take care of him well." Bomi added as she took Myungchan's backpack from Sunggyu. After a short talk, Sunggyu then permit himself to leave.

At exact nine o'clock, the class is starting. Bomi stood in front of the class. Smiling as she greeted her students cheerfully.

"Good morning, everybody. Ready for today?"

"Ne, seongsangnim." the students answered in union.

"Today I have a project. It's called Love Letter. Can anyone tell me who have sent a letter before?" Bomi asked. The students shook their head eagerly.

"Today, I want you to write a letter to your lovely people. Just said anything that you want to tell them. You can put a beautiful picture too. Give something special and beautiful. And... The one  with the most beautiful love letter will get a big present from me." Bomi explained in a bright tone. The students shout out in cheerful, of course except Myungchan.

"Seongsangnim, what's the present?" Jiae asks curiously.

"It's a secret." Bomi winks at her.

"Now, you can start with the paper that had prepared on your desk. Just call me if you need help. Arasso?"

"Ne, Seongsangnim." the children answer in high spirit. A moment later, each student was busy with their own letter. Bomi was walking around the class, looking at her student one by one as they were doing their task. When she was busy watching on the children, suddenly a kid calls her.

"Seongsangnim, I wanna go to the toilet." Bomi turns around and see Myungchan stood up as he held on his pants.

"Owh, Myungchan. You wanna go to the toilet? Let me take you, okay?" Bomi offers as she stands up and held out her hand towards Myungchan. Myungchan smiles innocently as he reaches Bomi's hand.

"Kids, just stay here and do your taks. I'll be back soon. Arasso?"

"Ne... Seongsangnim." Bomi smiles at the answer then turn her gaze back to Myungchan. "Come on, Myungchan." then leave the class.

"Are you sure you can do it by yourself?" Bomi asks Myungchan in concern.

"Ne, seongsangnim." Myungchan answers with a big smile.

"Okay, I'll be waiting here. Just call me if you need some help." Myungchan just nodded then going in. A couple seconds later, Bomi heard Myungchan's voice calling her name.

"Seongsangnim, can you help me here?" Myungchan said inside the toilet. Bomi immediately going in to check on him.

"What happened, Myungchan?" Bomi asks him.

"I can't push the flushing button. Can you help me?" Myungchan asked with his puppy eyes. Bomi chuckle as she approaching the litttle boy.

“Let me do it for you.” Myungchan just smiled as he steps aside to let Bomi in. But when Bomi went in, Myungchan quickly ran outside and within second he locked the door, leaving Bomi inside. Bomi turned around and gasps..

“Hey, Myungchan, open the door. What are you doing?” Bomi said from inside as she held the dorknob trying to open it.

“Just come out if you can, seongsangnim.” Myungchan smirks from outside.

“Don’t play any pranks with me. Open the door NOW!” Bomi raises her voice a bit. But she only get a silence from Myungchan.

“Ya, Lee Myungchan. I said open the...” Bomi was cut off because right at that moment, she felt something wet erupted on her head, making her all wet.

“LEE MYUNGCHAN... OPEN THE DOOR NOW OR YOU’LL GET PUNISH!” Bomi yells as she pounding at the toilet door. Her patience was near to the limit.

“Just do it by yourself, seongsangnim. Bye!” With that Myungchan ran away.

“Aish.. That little devil.” Bomi cursed under her breath. Not finish with her shock, suddenly the light turned off. Bomi was frozen, surprising with a sudden, dark space.

She froze, afraid to make it worse, afraid to know that it was real. Because, all those other times, the few precious seconds that she spent frozen were a few seconds that she could, pretending that the situation wasn't real. As long as she remained frozen in disbelief, she could imagine that the toilet wasn't really locked, and that she was okay. Cause once she started with the panicking, it was only going to get worse. Her head was hurt. she felt all around her was spinning. Her body was trembling.

"Open the door please." that's the last words that she said before everything is turn dark.



“Come here, fatty nerd.”

“We wont hurt you!”

Six years old Bomi ran as fast as her slim legs allowed her to, away from four kids who seemed and were older than her, probably by two or three years.

Bomi found an open door and without noticing it was a closet, she opened it and got inside, hoping they’d leave her alone in there. Well, they did, but the four bullies locked her inside.

Bomi heard the noise of the door being locked with something made of possibly wood. She started to panic and began to pound on the door.

"Open the door." Bomi yelled. But instead open the door, the bullies were laughing victorously. "How are you feel? Is that fun inside there, Nerd?" one of them said out loud.

"Watch out, there are many bugs, cockroach, or maybe rats inside there. Just wait till they come and eat you." another child said sarcastically.

Bomi looked around her. It was too dark to see what's around her. She was trembling in afraid and cried loudly.

"Please open the door. Please let me out. I beg you." Bomi said between her cries.

"What did you said? Out? The ugly fat nerd like you is better stay there forever and never come out. Weirdo!"

Bomi feels hurt for what they said. She knows she is ugly and fat, and with those thick glasses, she looks uglier that she already was. For them, Bomi is just a nerd that easy to bully.

It wasn’t the first or the last time Bomi would be bullied by those kids or any of the others, for that matter.

“I’m bored, let’s go do something else.” One of them said, the other agreeing and they left Bomi there.

"Ya, don't leave me. Open the door now. Open the door NOW!" Bomi yelled on the top of her lung as she pounded at the door as hard as she can. Her voice was trembling. But they already gone leaving Bomi alone.

She looked around the floor and heard some voices. She started to panic. She was already hurt by others, she didn’t need another thing to hurt her anymore. The anxiety was attacked her as she kept pounding at the door. In the middle of her desperation, the door opened and a slim tall boy with dark orb and raven hair appeared on sight. Bomi didn’t move at all, too anxious to give any reaction.

"Are you okay?" that boy asked Bomi. Before she could answer him, Bomi was fell down in unconscious.

End of flasback


"...ssi.. Bomi-ssi." Bomi slowly opened her eyes and looks around. She saw a man with white coat who looks like a doctor was sitting right next to her and a middle age woman was standing next the doctor.

"Where am I?" Bomi asks slowly.

The handsome doctor smiles down at her. "Bomi-ssi, you are in the medical room. You've been fainted for about 3 hours. I'm Jaejoong."

Bomi looked at the doctor as she touched her head,felt a bit dizzy.

"Bomi-ssi, I'm glad that you finally wake up. We've been worried sick about you." Mrs. Song cried as she squeezes Bomi's hand.

"What happened?" Bomi asked as she slowly started to sit up.

"You were fainted in the toilet." Mrs. Song told her, "Our cleaning service found you and then brought you here."

Bomi tried to recall what had happened before.

'Lee Myungchan.'

"How come you locked in there, Bomi-ssi?" Mrs. Song asked her worriedly.

"I accidentally locked by myself. Maybe the door was broken." Bomi lied.

"How long did you get claustrophobia, Bomi-ssi?" Doctor Jaejoong questions her.

"Since I was six." Bomi simply answers.

"Did you feel dizzy or something? You looked pale. I'll give you medicine. But if you feel any nauseas, you need to go to the psychiatrist. If you don't mind, I have a recommended psychiatrist, Dr. Yunho. He would be able to help you." Dr. Jaejoong explained politely.

"It's okay, Doc. I'm fine. This bad feeling will be gone by the time." Bomi smiled aand gets up.

“Hey, I haven’t give you permition to get up from the bed, you need to take a rest, Bomi-ssi.” Doctor Jaejoong commented.

“But I can’t leave my students.” Bomi insisted as she walks towards the door.

“Don’t worry, Bomi-ssi. Ms. Tifanny had replaced you in the class. Furthermore class is already end. So maybe you can rest here for a while or you can rest at home, Bomi-ssi. Ah, because I'm too worried about your condition, I've called your friend, Bora since she was on your number one in speed dial.” Mrs. Song explained in graceful manner.

"Okay, so I'll be waiting on her. Maybe I better going home. Thanks a lot for your help, Doctor Jaejoong, Mrs. Song." Bomi bowed respectfully before left the room.

In a state of flabbergasted frustration, Bomi sat down in the teacher's room. Her mind still in a mess after get locked in the toilet. The flashback about her past being bullied in the orphanage was running again on her mind. The past which she was trying so hard to forget. The past that gave her phobia of dark and narrow spaces. She doesn't hate Myungchan at all but she just doesn't like being bullied anymore. 3 years is more than enough for her to endure.

"Bomi seongsangnim. There's someone waiting for you. She said her name is Mr. Bora." A woman's voice interrupted Bomi from her train of thoughts.

"Thank you, Tifanny Seongsangnim. And also thanks for replacing my place. Sorry for troublesome you." Bomi said sincerely.

"Never mind, Bomi seongsangnim. Ah, these are the papers that you asked your students to do. When I said that you were fainted and not feeling well, they looked so worried about you. Some of them even cried. And to my surprise, a special kid that have known as the worst trouble maker, Lee Myungchan also looked so worried about you. You were so lucky to get many concerns, Bomi-ssi. I'm so envy you." Tifanny explains with a smile and handed Bomi the papers. Bomi smiled bitterly as she took the papers from Tifanny. Just if she knew what trully happened.

“Hey, Bochan. Are you okay? I was so worried when a woman called me and said that you were fainted. How could you get locked in the dark toilet? Did you forget about your claustrophobia? Or... Did it related to a naughty boy that you were talking about last day?” Bora was bombarding her with questions.

“Sshh.. Lower your voice, Bora. If someone heard you, Myungchan will get trouble.” Bomi said as she drags Bora away from the teacher’s room.

“Are you insane, Bochan? What he had done to you is a crime. This is totally not funny, you may dead inside there and you still defend him. That evil child have to be punished. Just tell the principal or tell his parents. They have to know about that evil child.” Bora said angrily.

“Enough, Yoon Bora. This is not a problem solving. Myungchan is still a kid. And I don’t know why, but instead hate him, I was pity on him. There always be a reason behind his uncontrol behavior.”

Before Bora could argued back, someone called Bomi’s name, making the two of them turn around. From distance, Sunggyu was walking towards them as he holding on Myungchan’s hand.

“Bomi, wait aminute. I have something to tell you.” Sunggyu said as he stopped right in front of Bomi. In the other side, Myungchan stood with his head facing the ground.

“What is it, oppa?” Bomi looked at Sunggyu then glanced down to the Myungchan.

“I’m so sorry about what had happened to you. I know this is totally Myungchan’s fault. I’m really really sorry.” Sunggyu said in guilty tone. “Ya, Lee Myungchan, apologize now!” Sunggyu raised his voice, but Myungchan just keep silent with his head down.

“It’s o..”

“So this is your naughty nephew. You should teach him some manner, Mr. Hamster. His behavior is endanger someone’s life. Can you imagine if Bomi suddenly died inside the toilet. Maybe for normal people it’s ridiculous but not for someone with claustrophobia like her.” Bora suddenly snapped, cutting off Bomi’s words. Sunggyu widened his eyes in surprise.

“Ya, what did you say? Hamster? How dare you call me hamster? Who are you? I was talking with Bomi not you, Mrs. Grumpy.” Sunggyu snaps back. His small eyes narrowed at Bora.

"Hey, calm down, Bora. Oppa, please don't be angry with Bora." Bomi said between them.

"What did you call me? Grumpy? I think I know where your nephew get his bad behavior." Bora said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah? Do you think your behavior is so nice, MS. GRUMPY STONE FACE.” Sunggyu argued back.


“SHUT UP!” Sunggyu and Bora said in union, leaving Bomi dumfounded at the sudden cut off.

“Hey, hamster boy. I think you should go back to the kindergarten so you can learn some good manner.”

“Oh, yeah? And you need a huge size mirror so you can see who’s really need a manner?”

“YA... YOU TWO. CAN YOU STOP THE ARGUMENT, PLEASE. I WAS ENOUGH GET A HEADACHE SO WILL YOU PLEASE JUST STOP IT.” Bomi yelled, making the two and little Myungchan gasp in shock.

“Yoon Bora, please go to your car and wait me there.” Bomi said sternly, Bora just obediently do as she said. Sometimes Bomi could be so stubborn and the best thing to do is follow her order. Without Bomi realized, Bora glances at Sunggyu and mouthed ‘We’re not finish yet, hamster boy.’ then walks to the parking area.

“Gyu Oppa, is there anything that you want to say again?” Bomi said softly to Sunggyu after Bora was out of sight.

“Actually Myungchan want to tell you something, Bomi. He asked me to accompany him to meet you.” Sunggyu said as he nudges Myungchan who was still frozing in his place.

“Is that right, Myungchan?” Bomi asked and glances down at Myungchan. Myungchan just nods slowly. Bomi bent down until she was eye-level with Myungchan. “What do you want to say, Myungchannie?” Bomi asked him gently.

“I want to say sorry. I’m really sorry, seongsangnim. I disn’t mean to hurt you.” Myungchan said with teary eyes. “I... I...” He stopped as the tears start to fall.

“Sshhh... Don’t cry, baby. I’m not blame you. But never do that again, okay? Never do that again to anyone. Arasso?" Bomi said sternly but in soft tone as she patted Myungchan's back lightly. Myungchan nodded, lifting his head to look at Bomi, revealing the smiling Bomi.

Myungchan smiled back at her.

"So, we're friend now?" Bomi said as she extended her hand towards Myungchan. Myungchan silent for a while but then reached Bomi's hand and smiled back at her.


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