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Fan Fiction
My Personal Journal
Posted by KaptenJe | Rabu,24 Januari 2018 at 18:25
Catherine(oc), Kim Woojoong, Park Chanyeol, Park Jiyeon.
My Personal Journal




            “Hey, what happened? You look sad?” she lays her head down on the table- copying what her seatmate does. “Come on! Tell me, Catherine.”

            Catherine gets up, then sit properly, “Nothing. Nothing to tell, Jiyeon.”

            “Really? I mean, you don't look so well. SO, there might be something going on, right?” Jiyeon said. Catherine let out her chuckles. “Ck, so it’s really nothing?”

            Catherine nods. “I told you, it’s nothing.” She takes a deep breath, “I’m just... kind of bored. I guess?”

            “Oh, ME TOO! School is so boring these days. I can’t wait for holidays! After the final test next week, finally we’re free!” no one talks before Jiyeon starts to talk again. “Yah! How about going out tonight? Since we’re so bored of school. Besides, it’s been a long time. I’ll take care of Chanyeol. And Catherine, He could come.”

            Catherine seems confused, “He? Um... fine, I’ll ask him whether he wants to or not.”


Catherine To: Kim Woojoong

(01.35 pm) I’m going out with Jiyeon and Chanyeol tonight. Mind to join us?


Kim Woojoong To: Catherine

(01.36 pm) sure, what time should I pick you up?

            “And he’s in.”

            Jiyeon looks excited “perfect! That Coffee shop, I meet you there, 7 pm. Okay? I’ll go get Chanyeol” she said before she left as fast as jets.



            01:30 p.m. is supposed to be one of their classes’ hours, but today at this time their teachers and staff are having a meeting since their school is about to have a final test for this year, next week. So, it’s a free time!








            06.39 p.m. - Catherine is all dressed up. She’s now looking at her reflection in the mirror. Jiyeon is right, she looks sad. But it’s ok because she is- sad. Her mind still can’t get over this ‘moving back’. She doesn’t even know that she could face Kim Woojoong or nah. This- is hard, and really stressing out. Should she tell him? And them? About her leaving and might be never come back? Aren’t they will get sad?


             “No, I wouldn’t dare to bother them by telling that. I’m not.” Catherine brushes her hair slowly, then, applying some cherish pink lip tint and voila- she’s ready.

            Someone’s knocking at her door, “Miss, he’s downstairs. Are you there?” Catherine opened the door, cutting off her maid’s words.

            “Hi, do i- look okay?” Catherine said, and her maid only showing her the wow-you-look-pretty-looks. Catherine giggles, “You makes my heart flutter. Anyway, let’s go downstairs!”



            He’s there, waiting for Catherine in the living room- calm and quiet. When Catherine comes out, he gives her that wow-you-look-pretty-looks again. And she’s smiling brightly, flattering.

            “So, we’re leaving. Okay? I’ll be back before 10. I promise. See you soon, miss Sun.” bid Catherine to her maid who’s now smiling at them.

            “She’ll come home before 10, don’t worry.” Repeat Kim Woojoong to miss. Sun.



            Then, they get inside Kim Woojoong’s car. They can still hear miss. Sun shouting, “Take care, both of you!” Kim Woojoong turns on the machine and starts driving.



            “Hey, I didn’t see you in the Cafeteria today? You skip your lunch?” Kim Woojoong starts making conversation to kill the silence.

            “No, it’s not like that. miss Sun brought me meal box, so I didn’t have to come to cafeteria today. That’s why ” Catherine replied honestly. Not a hundred percent honest though- because the reason she asked miss Sun to brought her a meal is to avoid the crowd at the cafeteria. She’s not feeling so well today.


            “Oh,” Kim Woojoong nodded, his focus is on the road. While Catherine’s focus is outta nowhere. “Are you okay?” says him.

            Catherine got a bit surprised “wh- what? Yeah, of course.” Kim Woojoong still focused on the road, “How is your team preparing for the match?”

            Kim Woojoong replying without even take his eyes off of the road “Went well this far. But, I thought it’s enough for this week. We’re having a final test next week, right? They should study as well.”

            “When is the match exactly?” says Catherine, please please at least I could attend this one for the last time. Please, I’m begging.

            “Sunday next week, after final test over.” Kim Woojoong takes a look at her for a moment, before looking back to the road. “You coming?”

            Could I? may I? should I? “Sure. I’ll come” Catherine smiled.


            She sends a text message to her mom as soon as she finishes her sentences.

 Catherine To: Mom

(06.58 pm) Mom, call me as soon as you get this okay?


            She knows her mom is super busy, so, she always sends a message before she makes a call or asking for her mom to call- she knows this is unnecessary but she keeps doing this anyway.



            5 minutes later, they arrive at the cafe. Jiyeon and Chanyeol are already there- sitting at the table for 4 people.


            “You guys are late,” says Jiyeon. Kim Woojoong gives his greeting smile for the two of them before he and Catherine sit down. Catherine is too caught up with her phone- wondering why her mom is not calling her, yet. “Catherine?”

            Catherine looks at Jiyeon “Hmm?” sighs, “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just… waiting- for my mom to call. Guess it’s important to tell her we’re doing our final next week.”

            You’re liar, Catherine. Says her in her mind.

            “She didn’t know yet?” Chanyeol said, “Well, better tell her late than never, right?” Catherine just replies with a chuckle.

            “You should tell her now,” now it’s Kim Woojoong talking, “She has to know, and you need her support too.”

            Catherine nods, “I know, I already sent her a text. She’ll call me when she gets the text. So, let’s just eat for now. Shall we?”



            They order a lot, and about 20 minutes later everyone is busy with their food and drinks. They start talking about everything- like, school stuff, funny stories, etc. This might be what Catherine needs right now- having a night out with her friends before the final, and before the day she should leave.



            She got amazing friends here, the funny girl- Jiyeon, is always the very exciting one about everything, she’s like her happy pills. She couldn’t keep her secret away from Jiyeon because she can reads mind, lol. No, she can’t, she just pretends like she could read mind. And Catherine admits that it’s scary.

            Chanyeol... well, he’s nice. That was Catherine’s first impression for him. He’s really nice to her ever since her first day of high school. He did a lot of nice things. He’s that nice, trust me.

            “But he seems like he didn’t like Woojoong. Don’t you feel that way too?”

            And he is Jiyeon’s biggest enemy- they often fight over something stupid. No, I mean over everything.

            Last but not least, Kim Woojoong. Uh well, he... he’s not actually her ‘friend’ it’s more than that. He’s the one. It’s a long story, starting from the vending machine and here they are now. It’s been a year since they got together. I guess?

            And they are the reason why she didn’t want to go back to her hometown. They are her happiness. They are her reason to stay. They are her friends.



            Their laugh is being interrupted by Catherine’s phone. “It’s my mom!” Catherine stands up, “I’m sorry, I have to take it.”

            “Sure, go ahead,” Jiyeon said, everyone, is agreeing by nodding their head.


           Catherine is now in the bathroom, talking freely in her mother language. “Hello? Mom?”

            “Yes, sweetheart? What happened?”

            “Uh, nothing. I just... it’s something that I'm gonna ask you. Hope you don’t mind?”

            “Sure, go ahead”

            “It’s about moving back”

            Her mom sounds like she’s exhaling her deep breath, “Hey listen, I’m so sorry that you have to go through this but-”

            “No, no, I get it. I get it all. It’s... fine. I’m just... my plane is next Sunday right?”

            “Yes, sweetheart... so the problem is?”

            “Can I go by Monday? Monday morning, let me have my Sunday, please? I have something to do on Sunday night. Please I'm begging” Catherine said desperately

            “Oh, of course. Of course, you can. It’s fine, you don’t have to beg I’ll let you. Take your time, sweetie. It’s fine.”

            “Really? Oh, okay, thank you, mom!”

            “Sure, and do your final well, okay? Don’t think about it too much”

            “I promise I will.”

            “I love you, sweetie”

            “I love you too, mum”



            “At least, the good thing is... I’ll get to attend the match right?” Catherine said for herself. 

            She walks out from the bathroom, going back to their table- she’s staring at her friends from where she stands, this scene is great. Seeing them laugh together is great. Her life here is great.

            She’s smiling- but, tears suddenly fall down from her left eyes. Don’t think about it too much, Catherine. And then, she continues to walk to their table.


            “Oh, you’re back! What was your mom said?” Jiyeon asked, “Did she mad? Or Nah? Wait, let me guess... based on your look, she’s not. Is she?”

            Catherine shook her head, “No, she’s not. She said to do well on your test. Don’t think about it too much. That’s it.”

            “Don’t think about it too much...” Chanyeol sobs, “The test is on Monday, but look where are we? Guess we really didn’t think about it too much. Did we?”

            And the 4 of them laughs.





            “I’ll see you two on Monday! Don’t think about it too much!” Jiyeon said when Catherine is getting into Woojoong’s car. “safe drive!”

            Catherine opens the car’s window, “See you, Park Jiyeon” she smiles, and then she looks at Chanyeol who already in his car. “And you, be careful! take Jiyeon to her house safely, Okay?”

            Chanyeol giggles “Okay, see you, Catherine.”


            It didn’t take much time to reach Catherine’s house from the coffee shop. Maybe only around 10-15 minutes. The atmosphere inside is so quiet. Catherine is busy looking outside the window, and Woojoong- he did ask a few question to start a conversation but Catherine just answered it with a single word like “uh I don’t know” “maybe” “yup” “uh huh” so he decided to keep the silence. Maybe Jiyeon’s right, she’s not feeling well.

            And finally, they arrived.


            Woojoong stops his car right in front of Catherine’s house gate. Catherine undid her safety belt, and before she gets off from the car- “hHy? What are you-” he said, when Catherine suddenly hugged him, “Catherine, what happened?”

            Tears start to stream down her face, “I’m sorry.” she said with her shaking voice “I’m so sorry...” I can’t tell you. I can’t bear to tell you about me moving back. I’m sorry.

            He tried to let go of her hug so he can see her face- “No, don’t. Don’t let go.” she whispered. Her voice is still shaking. “Don’t... let go of me.”

            He hugs her back and patted her backside. He knows that she needs to let it all out first, and then she’ll talks. “Take your time...”


            She can’t hold it anymore. She’s tired of being the girl who always smiling. She’s tired of being the girl who always keeps her problems for herself. She’s tired of being herself.

            But, she is the girl who always said that she’s fine. Because she is- fine. Or she always pretends to be fine. Who knows?


            She stopped. Her tears finally stop falling down. Deep sighs, and then she's starting to talks “I’m sorry for making your shirt wet.” 

            And she continues, “There’s something that keeps on bugging me today, looks like I can’t get over it. That’s why. I’m just... I don’t know” should I tell him? Should I? can I? “do you remember? It’s been a year!” she chuckles. Duh, lying again Catherine?

            He’s smiling “Since that day?”

            She nods- feeling a little bit better, “Since that day. I wanted to say sorry,”

            “Sorry for what?”

            She looks down “...for not being enough. I guess-”

            He cuts off her sentences, “If you’re saying sorry because you are more than enough... I might think for that. Because, Cat, you’re more than enough. Since that day, you’re the reason for almost every good memories I have. So, you shouldn’t say sorry for that, or for everything. And I should’ve thanked you for that, for you being around me. Because since that day, I love you.”

            “Since that day, until when?”

            “Until you don’t want me to do that anymore.”

            “I love you too,” she said, he looks shocked, “It’s almost 10! I should get going, my aunt is probably home already-”

            He shouts, “Wait, says that again!” she’s already out of the car to close the door, “I didn’t hear you” he let out a smirk.

            The window is open, so she’s still replying  “Oh, yes you did. Safe drive, okay? Good night!”

            She walks into her house. Leaving Kim Woojoong inside his car smiling like an idiot.


            And she is the type that rarely says something like ‘i love you’ word because she is a shy fox, but, when she did say the word you’ll get in shock. Because, when she did she means it.

            Don’t worry, even without she said that word... he already knew that she does. Since that day.




            Catherine woke up at the next day with a better feeling. Maybe her mom is right, don’t think about it too much. Crying can’t change the fact that she should move back to her hometown, right?

            One week to go before the day- but today she decided to packs her things. Next week is gotta be a busy week. Ever. And then, the match. Sighs- what about the match? Wait, what did I say about ‘don’t think about it too much?’ don’t think about it too much, Catherine!

Posted Rabu,16 Juni 2021 at 09:31
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