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Fan Fiction
Shut You Up
Posted by KaptenJe | Kamis,13 Februari 2014 at 18:06
Do Kyungsoo (EXO), Original Character
Shut You Up

CHAPTER 2 : It's Just Another Day

Kyungsoo massaged his temple. He let out a big sigh from his mouth while reading the paper that school principal just gave to him. Actually, he was the one who gave it to the school principal, it’s a proposal of next month’s event. He needed to get an approval from the school principal, but again—for the third time, he failed to get the approval.

“Damn it! He just need to give a stamp on this paper, how it could be that hard!?”

Kyungsoo walked back to his room—as the school president, he definitely had his own room. Well, he still had to share it with his subordinates in student governments, but he could do what ever he wanted—if he wanted to be alone in the room, he could easily tell the others to leave. Because simply, he was the school president.

He felt a little bit annoyed when he heard the girls gasped and started to get mental as he walking on the corridor.

Scary girls. He thought.

It was always the same for him. All of the girls’ attentions for him were so hideous. He didn’t like it, at all. He wasn’t the person who was thirst of attention, even though he acknowledged how gorgeous he was—he had those big round eyes, smooth face, fluffy hair, and the heart-shaped lips that probably would make girls melted if they could feel them on their lips. Plus, Kyungsoo was one of the smartest students in his school, his place would always be at the first or second. Third place or below it was not his style.

He ran his fingers towards his hair.

“Stop acting like you’re a prince!” Someone shouted behind him.

“Just do your job as the school president and stop thinking that you’re an idol!”

Kyungsoo stopped. He was right in front of his room, but he didn’t go in to the room. He turned his back and staring at two boys as he was sure they were the one who insulted him seconds ago—since they were the only boys out there.

“Yah, if you two couldn’t be as good as me, just shut the fuck up.”

One of the boy chuckled, “Always think that you’re perfect” he mumbled.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. You’re just wasting my time.

He entered his room and slammed the door hard.




“President! How’s the proposal?” Chanyeol, the vice president of student government excitedly ran to Kyungsoo who just got back.

Kyungsoo shook his head, “This one wouldn’t do.” He smashed his table with the proposal, and threw himself to his chair.

Chanyeol sighed. He sat on the chair in front of Kyungsoo, his face showed his worrisome. Both of them didn’t say a word, they both lost on their own thoughts. But they knew they were thinking the same thing.

“We have no time,” Chanyeol finally broke the silence, “Was it because of the money, again?”

Kyungsoo nodded.

“Of course it was,” Chanyeol smirked, “I can’t believe that mad-ass principal bought a freaking new car yet he doesn’t want to spend a cent for his own school event.” Chanyeol shook his head out of belief, “Bastard.”

Kyungsoo couldn’t suppress a snicker listening to his friend’s complain. But at this time, he shoudl haven't even laugh. He had to do something about the approval. Or else, he would look bad in front of the others. There was no way he would let it happen. He was DO Kyungsoo, afterall, he always had a way to make the things he wanted.

Except one thing.

Once again, he looked lost. But this time, the thoughts of his school event gradually disappeared and changing into the thought of one girl that were always on his mind, somehow.

Yes, his had bunch of things to thought about. But this one special girl would always be there too. The thought of her would come out of nowhere. He knew he should have not think about her for now, but he couldn’t control it.

He growled, trying to get her out of his mind. His face suddenly turned into red— out of anger and embarrassment.

“You ok?” Chanyeol was looking at him, a little bit confused.

“Uh, yeah, you know, I need my own time.”

Chanyeol nodded and walked towards the door. He knew that meant Kyungsoo wanted to be alone. He wanted to be in his personal space. 


Min Ah yawned as she covering her wide opened mouth with her palm. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, hoping it would get rid off the sleepiness, but unfortunately it didn’t help at all. She looked at the watch on her wrist,

it’s ten minutes before the class start, I can take a short nap.

She put her bag on her table and her head right on the top of the bag. The noise that came from other students didn’t even bother her because she was really sleepy. She just had two hours of sleep from last night and it made her barely open her eyes.

Min Ah was about to get into her deeper sleep when suddenly Na Eun, her seatmate, shook her body.

“Min Ah! Wake up! The school president is here!”

“Urgh, don’t care!” Min Ah shoved Na Eun hands and turned her face to the opposite direction.

“Good afternoon, everybody.”

Min Ah could hear the low and deep voice of the school president from front of the class and of course the girls’ voices on the background as they started to fangirling towards the school president.

“I am here for asking you guys a favor,”

Min Ah still closing her eyes, now that she couldn’t go back to her sleep because it was just becoming too noisier, but she still couldn’t open them because they were too heavy.

“As you know, our school will make an event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this school next month. But we still have a little problem. We’re lacking of money.”

Some of the students booed at Kyungsoo, they totally knew that it meant they had to contribute themselves in financial problem, which probably was also their own life problem.

“We won’t ask much, it’s just 4000 won per student.”

The students gasped and started to talk to each other that made the noise even more disturbing for Min Ah. Most of them didn’t want to contribute. Even though it’s only 4000 won but for them money was still money.

“That’s your problem, school president! Don’t go to us when you need money!” One of the students—which of course a boy, complained as he refused to help.

“It’s our school event, of course this also will be your problem. All of you.” Kyungsoo gave him a cold stare. He had enough of complains today that he wanted to punch the boy’s face because he just made it even harder for him. But he had to stay calm.

Use your brain, not your muscle. He kept that in his mind.

Min Ah stood from her chair,

screw this. I just want to take a short nap and these stupid people were making it hard to do so.

She walked towards the door as the other students were gawking at her, including Kyungsoo.

“Yah, where are you going? I haven’t finished yet!” Kyungsoo shouted at her.

“Whatever, I won’t participate in your stupid event though.” Replied Min Ah, wasn't even looking back at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo could feel his ears became hot as smokes could come out from both of his ears. He was tightening his fist because he couldn’t take it anymore.

The teacher’s table was his first victim as his fist landed on the surface. Other students gasped and looked shocked they even stopped talking.

It hurt Kyungsoo’s fist. But guess his pride was even hurter.

You will regret this, you bastard.




Posted Rabu,16 Juni 2021 at 09:31
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